remesh Glamour: Design local cu efect global
Multumim Elenei Barbu ca a ales remesh printre produsele sustenabile de consum responsabil prezentate in editia din aprilie 2018 a revistei Glamour: https://glamour.ro/culture/design-local-cu-efect-global-13485714
From dumpster to department store_livingit.euronews.com
http://www.livingit.euronews.com/2017/12/06/from-dumpster-to-department-store-the-story-of-remesh-romania-upcycling-fashion In the hall of an old industrial building, once the base of a communist factory, Claudia is skillfully sewing a traditional pattern on what seems to be a bag… if the material…
RadioRomaniaCultural: “Socialwear” și “Fair trade” by remesh
Designul contemporan din noi perspective. “Socialwear” și “Fair trade” by remesh https://radioromaniacultural.ro/designul-contemporan-din-noi-perspective-socialwear-si-fair-trade-by-remesh/ Pe data de 15 iunie, REMESH lansează prima ediție a evenimentului de design și fair trade “Fair is the New Cool”.…